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Student Needs Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better determine your professional development needs. Your answers will be used to determine future program offerings at EKU Workforce Development & Community Engagement.

What type of training is most needed by your organization? 

Select the type of professional development training you prefer most:

What length of training do you most prefer? 

How would you prefer to receive class learning materials? 

How would you prefer student learning be assessed? 

If I were offered academic credit towards a degree program at EKU for non-credit training that I had previously completed with EKU Workforce Development & Community Engagement I would be more likely to pursue an academic degree with EKU. 

If you answered "Yes" to the above question, what academic degree program(s) are you interested in pursuing at EKU? 

As a former EKU Workforce Development/OSHA Training Institute Education Center student, what topics or areas of study that we do not currently offer would you like to see addressed by our programming? What existing programming do you feel needs the most work? What could we do better? Please share your thoughts with us. 

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